Fixing the shutdown = restart problem in Ubuntu 13.10 on Dell Inspiron 7537
So another day and yet another adventure on my return journey to Ubuntu. After all the fun I had doing my first UEFI linux install, which is a story I will save for another time, my Dell Inspiron 7537 had been working just fine. Then, for no discernible reason, it decided that it was not going to listen to me anymore. Like a petulant child it would not go to bed (turn off) and wanted to stay up and continue to watch late night TV (restart)…….
Installing Eclipse Kepler (4.3.2) on Ubuntu 13.10
Recently I have been making the switch back to Ubuntu after a year of pretending I was ok with using Windows 8. It so good to have an OS that actually puts me in control. Anyway enough evangelising.
I recently posted about getting Dropbox up and running on Ubuntu 13.10 which required a bit of gentle nudging to get it working. Well another program that needs a bit of nudging is the latest build of the Eclipse IDE.
Installing Dropbox on Ubuntu 13.10
Just a quick post on something that has been annoying me for a few days. I recently installed Ubuntu 13.10 and couldn’t get the Dropbox sync program to work. After much hunting for information and a bit of trial and error I have found a solution. My problem was that after the install the Dropbox program would say that my computer was not linked to an account, but gave no option to add an account.